What does it mean to awaken our inner journey? For many have been on this journey and many have not, for in these times as you find yourself now where self-isolation is primary it is time that you have now to look inward. Find the calm and the peace that can only be found within yourself. No matter how busy or chaotic the outer world is there is always peace and love to be found within. If you have not practiced this, now is the time to start. Do not think that you cannot do it for we all can stop and meditate or pray or sit quietly and find our own inner voice and our inner strength. It is needed now more than ever.
This is a time for the Earth to rejuvenate, to take a step back with its population and think about how are you treating each other and how we treat the sacred land that we live upon for that is what our Mother Earth is, it is our sacred land. And it is a privilege to be here. It is not something that can ever be taken for granted.
The trees and the flowers and the birds and the animals and all the water life are here to grow just as we are and to expand just as we do so you must know that we are all connected. We are connected in love and joy and peace. Start to think differently. Start to think as if we are all connected and what that means, and it will change how you view things. It will soften you in ways you cannot imagine. It is the way into your heart for we must now learn to live through our heart space not through the mental mind which often times still wants to be the warrior with the sword. It is now time to be the warrior with the light. So, go inward I tell you and find the light within you. For we are all divine beings of light and love. Now is the time to shine that light. Shine the love and light onto the planet and each other and you will see the miracles that will occur.
That is my message for today for I come with much love for you, and I wish you well-being.
Thoughts from Theresa & Mary Magdalene Channel
Copyright 2020